Marriage is a beautiful bond between two individuals, but communication breakdown can often be a common issue that can affect the strength and happiness of the relationship. Misunderstandings, unaddressed problems, and stressors can lead to communication breakdowns that can have a negative impact on a marriage. Therefore, it’s important to understand the common causes of communication breakdown in marriage to address and overcome them. Here are the four common causes of communication breakdown in marriage that couples should be aware of.

Common Causes of Communication

4 Common Causes of Communication Breakdown in Marriage

Communication breakdown in marriage can be caused by various factors. Here are some of the most common causes:

Lack of Listening

One of the most common causes of communication breakdown in marriage is a lack of listening. Communication involves both speaking and listening. When one partner is not actively listening to the other, they may miss important information or misunderstand what is being said, which can lead to conflict and frustration. This can lead to frustration, resentment, and conflict. 

Common reasons why someone may not be actively listening include being distracted, being too focused on their own thoughts and feelings, or simply not valuing the importance of listening. To improve listening skills in marriage, couples can try to practice active listening, which involves paying close attention to what the other person is saying, asking questions for clarification, and reflecting back what was said to ensure understanding.

Example: Your partner is trying to share something important with you, but you’re distracted by your phone or TV. You miss important details or misunderstand what they’re saying, leading to frustration and conflict.

Different Communication Styles

People have different communication styles and preferences. Some individuals may be more direct and to the point, while others may prefer a more indirect or subtle approach. When partners have different communication styles, they may struggle to understand each other, leading to miscommunication and tension. To address differences in communication styles, couples can try to identify and understand each other’s preferences. They can also work together to find a communication style that works well for both partners. This may involve compromise and a willingness to adapt to each other’s needs.

Example: You prefer to communicate in a direct and to-the-point manner, while your partner prefers a more indirect and subtle approach. You may misinterpret their communication as being passive-aggressive, and they may feel that you are being too blunt and insensitive.

Unresolved Issues

Unresolved issues or resentments from the past can make communication difficult in marriage. When one partner is holding onto past hurts or frustrations, they may find it challenging to communicate effectively and may be more likely to react defensively or with hostility. To address unresolved issues, couples can try to have open and honest conversations about their feelings and concerns. This may involve seeking the help of a therapist or counselor to facilitate these conversations.

Example: You and your partner have unresolved issues related to trust or infidelity. These issues may make it difficult to communicate effectively and may lead to frequent arguments and misunderstandings.

External Stressors

External stressors such as work pressures, financial difficulties, or health problems can also contribute to communication breakdown in marriage. When partners are under stress, they may be less patient, more irritable, and less able to communicate effectively, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings. To address external stressors, couples can try to identify the source of stress and work together to find ways to reduce its impact. This may involve finding ways to better manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or counseling. Couples can also work together to find practical solutions to address the source of stress, such as creating a budget to manage financial difficulties or seeking medical treatment for health problems.

Example: You and your partner are both dealing with work-related stress. This stress may cause you both to be less patient and irritable with each other, leading to communication breakdown and conflict.

Effective communication is essential for a healthy and fulfilling marriage. By identifying and addressing the common causes of communication breakdown, couples can improve their communication skills and strengthen their relationship.

Tips to Prevent Communication Breakdown in Marriage

Here are some tips to prevent the common causes of communication breakdown in marriage:

Lack of Listening

  • Practice active listening – This involves giving your partner your full attention, asking questions for clarification, and reflecting back what they said to ensure understanding.
  • Avoid distractions – Turn off your phone, TV, or any other distractions that may prevent you from listening actively.
  • Be present – Try to be fully present in the conversation and avoid thinking about other things or multitasking.

Different Communication Styles

  • Identify your communication style: Understanding your own communication style can help you better communicate with your partner and identify areas of difference.
  • Learn to adapt: Try to adapt to your partner’s communication style by using language and tone that they can understand and relate to.
  • Communicate about communication: Talk to your partner about how you both communicate and how you can work together to find a communication style that works for both of you.

Unresolved Issues

  • Identify and address the root of the problem – Be open and honest about past hurts and resentments, and work together to find solutions that address the underlying issues.
  • Seek professional help – Consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor who can facilitate conversations and help you both work through unresolved issues.
  • Practice forgiveness – Learn to forgive each other for past mistakes and focus on moving forward in a positive direction.

External Stressors

  • Communicate openly – Talk to your partner about external stressors and how they are affecting you both. Be open and honest about your feelings and concerns.
  • Work together – Try to find solutions to external stressors that work for both of you. This may involve finding ways to better manage stress or finding practical solutions to address the source of stress.
  • Practice self-care – Take care of yourself by engaging in activities that reduce stress, such as exercise or meditation.


Communication breakdown is a common issue in marriages that can lead to frustration, conflict, and even divorce. The four common causes of communication breakdown in marriage are lack of listening, different communication styles, unresolved issues, and external stressors. However, by identifying these causes and implementing strategies to improve communication, couples can strengthen their relationship and build a healthier and more fulfilling marriage. Some strategies include practicing active listening, adapting to each other’s communication styles, addressing unresolved issues, and finding ways to reduce the impact of external stressors. Ultimately, effective communication is essential for a successful and happy marriage.


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