It’s a common belief that secrets are bad and it is always good to be honest with your loved ones. But there are some situations where people don’t like to share some incident with a loved one because they don’t want to lose their trust.

There are multiple reasons why people do keep their secrets, and sometimes coming clean may do more harm than good. Every person has some dark side or some secrets in life that he or she can’t share with loved ones.

Confessing the truth will help you to get rid of your guilt at the cost of causing a rift in a good relationship.

Untold Relations is a platform where you can share anything that makes you feel guilty, unsatisfied, unhappy, or alone.

We are not talking about the small secrets but even a minor misdemeanor can be someone else’s changing betrayal. That means, your small secret will have potentially explosive information which could be the reason broke someone in all manner because it can hurt someone, it makes you look bad and it can destroy the relationship as well.


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