Intimate relationship can be defined as a type of courtship involving a couple performing social activities to test the other’s compatibility as a partner in a close relationship or as a life partner. Intimacy can also be defined as two people meeting intimately and spending time together. It is important to understand what intimacy means in a relationship. Basically, intimacy is about loving trust and support between two people, whether they are of the same sex or different. People meet to spend time together. How to know that you are in an Intimate Relationship? To know you must have to understand the different signs of intimate relationship

What are the Different Signs of Intimacy?

There are different types of intimacy that one should be aware of, apart from sexual intimacy. Here are the different types of intimacy:

“It’s not always about sex, sometimes the best types of intimacy is where you just lay back, laugh together at the stupidest things, hold each other and enjoy each other’s company.”

Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is built into actions like hugging, back rubbing, cuddling, lap sitting, and hand holding. These are signs of physical intimacy in a relationship, and they are essential for people whose primary love language is physical touch.

Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is created between two or more people who want to strengthen their bond. Emotional intimacy is created when a person is vulnerable with another about their feelings, dreams, and private thoughts. When a person starts asking questions like “How was your day?” it means they are in emotional intimacy with that person. Usually, emotional intimacy is the first intimacy in a relationship.

Intellectual Intimacy

Intellectual intimacy is established through the sharing of beliefs, opinions, and ideas. Intellectual intimacy is created and nurtured in spaces where people learn together. If you are sharing your ideas, beliefs, and opinions with someone, it means you are having intellectual intimacy in a relationship.

Experiential Intimacy

Many people like to create shared memories with someone to deepen an existing connection. Experiential intimacy is created if you like to have vacations, physical adventures, trips to the zoo or museums, and more. These activities are quintessential experiential intimacy builders.

Spiritual Intimacy

Spiritual intimacy is a kind of intimacy where two people share one another’s beliefs around higher powers, karma, death, spirits, life after death, ghosts, and more. Spiritual intimacy in a relationship exists between two people who do things like practice tantra, take yoga classes together, meditate, and learn about religion together.

What are the signs to know I am in an Intimate Relationship?

It is not easy to develop an intimate relationship with someone. It requires several commitments and trust. Here are the signs through which you can understand whether you are in an intimate relationship or not:

  • You have a strong sense of trust with another person.
  • You or your partner are committed to getting to know each other inside and out.
  • You can be vulnerable around your partner.
  • Whenever you are with your partner, you feel accepted in every way, or the way you are.
  • You can rely on your partner to know when things go wrong.
  • When you are in an intimate relationship, you feel interdependent in the relationship.
  • With shared experience, you both grow together.
  • When you are in an intimate relationship, there will be a team mentality in the relationship.
  • There will be honesty in a relationship that will never fade.
  • When you are in an intimate relationship, you feel like your partner understands you.

How can I Build Intimacy in Relationships?

Building intimacy in a relationship is not an easy task and it is not developed in a single day. When you want to build intimacy in a relationship, you have to start with emotional intimacy and intellectual intimacy. For that, you can start caring and supporting each other. You can ask questions like “How was your day?” “What do you want for dinner?” or ask for suggestions. Try to share your ideas and opinions, and if you feel that your vibe matches with the other person, then you will have the capability to build intimacy in a relationship.

Final Thought

For every person, there is a different meaning of intimacy in a relationship. It is important to understand what intimacy means to each individual. Men, in general, enjoy all types of intimacy but are seeking a person with whom they have a compatible vibe. Once the vibe matches, they can start building a relationship.


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